About Page & FAQ


  1.  About This Site & How It Works
  2.  About Seth Perler
  3.  About Executive Function, Some Basics
  4.  About My Offerings & Services
  5.  About What You Can Get FREE  (Start with the Free EF Guide)

1. About My Site, SethPerler.com

1. Blogs, Vlogs & Podcasts >   Browse my main blogroll to search all content.

2. My Official YouTube CHANNEL >   Executive Function Tips & Strategies.

3. My YouTube PLAYLISTS >   Organized topics for Parents, Teachers, Students, etc.

4. TOPICS:  You can browse the main topics list here, or use the search above.

“Thanks for being a voice to say that we all get there in different ways and with different perspectives. Keep it up!” -Amy H., Mom of a 12 year old boy, Seattle

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My audience is made up of 95,000+ concerned, compassionate, and proactive Parents, Educators, Therapists, and other professionals or family members, who aren’t willing to sit back and watch systemic dysfunction shortchange kids.

We’re everyday people who work hard to advocate in baffling educational systems, so our kids can get what they need; an education which teaches them how to think & learn, and how to harnesses their unique gifts, so they can craft extraordinary lives.


We’re from over 120 countries around the globe. This shows how similar we are, because we all just want real answers for how to help kids thrive.


My ideas are for people who need practical, yet unconventional strategies, because neurodiverse students who think and learn outside-the-box need something different.

People who like to follow my work share 5 CORE BELIEFS:

  1. Education is the KEY to a good life. The real purpose of education is to prepare kids to have what it takes to create a happy, healthy, and successful future for themselves, while having a fantastic childhood.
  2. Something’s not working. Despite countless dedicated teachers and involved parents, our outdated educational approaches are missing the mark. Too many kids are not prepared to succeed in this world.
  3. Kids who struggle with Executive Function are at a bigger disadvantage. In order to accomplish our goals & dreams, we need good executive function skills to get the important stuff done, even when we “don’t feel like it.” EF is something to take seriously, because it’s a quality of life issue.
  4. We must improve our educational methods so we can better serve all kids.
  5. Sadly, until that happens, we can’t depend on schools to meet the needs of all students. Therefore, we must do what we can to ensure that kids are properly supported, and  understanding Executive Function is CRITICAL.

PS – If you like my work, please subscribe, and share it far & wide.

Get Free Guide >

My site helps you:

  1. Help struggling students turn things around, through Executive Function support.
  2. Navigate baffling school systems.
  3. Help students get the most out of education.

Here you’ll learn HOW to support students with Executive Function challenges through:

  1. My Free vlogs, podcasts, articles, with in-depth strategies and tips.
  2. My other free resources.
  3. My Coaching, Courses, and Community.

School was incredibly challenging for me and it isn’t working for countless outside-the-box, neurodiverse learners of today. 

I hope you find solutions here, share my site with others who might benefit, and most importantly, apply what you learn to support the kids in your life.

In gratitude and service,
Seth Perler

What exactly happens when I subscribe? (Privacy & Safety)

  1. When you sign up on my site, your info is safe. Your email goes to a secure, professional email newsletter service I pay for, so I can send you updates safely.
  2. You get a “confirmation email”, to confirm you want my updates. This also protects me from bots and spammers.
  3. I don’t spam, sell, or share your information with anyone, ever.
  4. Unsubscribe any time. You can always resubscribe.
  5. Privacy policy.

What do I get when I subscribe?

  1. You get my Sunday email updates with brand new content/strategies I create, cool events, and free resources to help your child or students.
  2. In my weekly update, I share relevant events and announcements for parents and teachers.
  3. Sometimes I send time-sensitive announcements on other days.
  4. During my Summit in August, I send you free access to my summit, and any relevant updates.
  5. No spam, no games, no flashy stuff, just a succinct email with real solutions.

Short & Sweet: I make my emails succinct, so you can scan them quickly to find what you want.

Can I donate? If you love my work and want to donate, Click here >

PS – If you love my work, please share my site far and wide so more people can benefit.


I imagine a world where we don’t need executive function coaches, because education is wildly successful at empowering all neurodiverse students with everything they need to live happy, healthy and successful lives.


Mission 1/2. Teach people how to help kids with Executive Function challenges: I Teach compassionate & proactive parents, educators, therapists, and others who help kids. I give honest, practical, and unconventional approaches to helping complicated, neurodiverse, struggling students, without b.s. or misinformation. 

Mission 2/2. Get the term “Executive Function” into the lexicon, in a meaningful way, so we can help more kids. I try to teach the world about Executive Function because it has a massive impact on quality of life. It’s at the root of most student struggles and mental health problems, and I can’t stand to see kids suffer needlessly. We know we have research based tools to do better at supporting all students, so they can self-actualize and shine.


1.  To help you help your children/students, because I believe in the power of education when it’s done well, and I want adults to have better answers, so our kids can have better lives.

2.  I also want people to learn about challenging the status quo to improve education.

The content I create is part of how I give back to the world and the people who helped me through my Executive Function challenges! Service, kindness, and generosity make the world better, and my work is key in how I try to serve: Each week I create at least one thing to hopefully help people. As I create my videos each week, I try to give solid background, and offer actionable insights you can realistically apply to help a child.

I appreciate my audience immensely, most of which are parents, educators, and therapists from over 120 countries across the globe. I’ve learned that we all share the same universal concerns for our kids.

I write every word and record every video myself. My blog is a labor of love and is free. If you love my work and want to donate, click here.

PS – If you love my work, please share my site far and wide so more people can benefit.

“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” Audre Lorde 

This IS a place of kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, acceptance, and love.

Everything I create is for anyone interested in learning how to help kids.

The only thing I don’t tolerate is intolerance. There is no room here for hate, contempt, racism, prejudice, people who support oppressive systems, or any form of cruelty, ever. 

This is a safe, accepting, inclusive, and welcoming space for people of every race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, ability, religion.

We do not judge, generalize or assume we know another’s experience.

This is an open-hearted place where people learn, share, grow together, with complete respect for one another’s personhood.

We take care of each other here, and every voice matters. We are allies.

Again, this IS a place of kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, acceptance, and love.

I’m grateful you want to reach out, and feel incredibly fortunate to do what I do!

Unfortunately I receive an unsustainable volume of email, and can’t reply to everyone.

Thank you for understanding.

So before contacting me, please see if this helps:

  1. First be sure to sign up for FREE UPDATES, because I give 100% Free, in-depth solutions weekly.
  2. Browse through my free content here. Seriously, dive in, you’ll probably find what you’re looking for.
  3. See my official YouTube Channel.
  4. Or my FREE RESOURCES page
  5. Or see my  COACHING, COMMUNITY & COURSES to work with me.
  6. Or see the Footer for more answers 👇

If you still want to contact me, here’s my official contact page.

For interview requests, or media and press-related inquiries, click here.

If you’re a podcaster, author, producer, or similar, please note, due to the volume of requests, I’m unable to respond to everyone.

Podcasts I’m on

  • List of all Podcasts I’ve been featured on.


  • My official YouTube Channel is one of the best places to follow my work. You can subscribe, like, share, and comment to support me.



My Summit

TEFOS: The Executive Function Online Summit is for parents who want to help their kids. Here’s the homepage to check out the experts and register free. This is a labor of love I started in 2019.

Other Summits I’m on:

  • Happily Family with the Hilkeys.
  • Autism Summit 

YouTube FAQ

  1. What happens when I click “subscribe” on Seth’s YouTube? When you go to my channel and click “subscribe,” your YouTube account lists me under your list of subscriptions so you can find me anytime. Also, I will show up on your YouTube searches more often. It also allows my work help more people, because it tells YouTube that my videos are valuable.
  2. Liking and Commenting: How does clicking “LIKE” or commenting on Seth’s YouTube videos help? Again, it tells YouTube that my work is relevant. Since I’m in a small niche, it’s harder for a YouTuber like me to grow, so this definitely helps.

2. About Seth


  • I’m Seth Perler, renegade teacher turned Executive Function Expert  Nerd.
  • I help struggling students build critical EF skills, and navigate a crazy educational landscape, so they can have great futures, despite outdated educational norms.
  • I get it because I went through these struggles myself. Here’s my True Story/Bio >
  • I also do my part to “disrupt” and improve education.


  • Because of my extensive experience helping complicated struggling students, and because I’ve overcome my own massive executive function learning challenges (my story), my life’s work is about empowering kids to navigate education successfully so they can craft a great future.


  • Executive Function, Neurodiversity, ADHD, ASD, and 2e/Twice Exceptional learners.
  • M.Ed. in Gifted & Talented Education and Special Education.


I wear a lot of hats in the Executive Function, 2e, ADHD, Neurodiversity, Parenting, and Education worlds, helping Students, Parents, Teachers, and others:

  • Activist: I’m here to help create change in education, to positively impact as many kids as possible.
  • Executive Function Coach for struggling students and their parents.
  • YouTuber, Blogger, Podcaster: I create content on Executive Function, ADHD, 2e, Neurodiversity, for over 90,000 people in over 100 countries around the globe. Join us and subscribe for free weekly updates.
  • Speaker & Educator: I create and lead workshops and presentations for conferences, teachers, school districts, parents groups, etc. I teach about how to support neurodiverse kids with EF challenges.
  • Consultant: For how parents, schools, organizations, or businesses can better serve kids and support EF.
  • Advocate: For students & families.
  • And I always have other irons in the fire! 


  • Since 1995, I’ve had extensive experience working with extraordinarily neurodiverse learners, and specialize in helping complex, struggling students.
  • I was a teacher for 12 years, all core subjects, several grade levels. I have an M.Ed. in Gifted Education/Special Education, have helped teens with substance issues for many years, taught on the Navajo reservation for 3 years, taught GT, SPED, and much more.
  • From my experience working with all sorts of struggling students, it became clear that they had one thing in common, “Executive Functioning” challenges. That realization is what inspired my mission.
  • See my complete Professional Background


  • I like science, nature, the outdoors, art, music, psychology, philosophy, and of course, guitars.
  • Learn about who I am behind the scenes

Here’s a more personal look at who I am Behind The Scenes

Podcasts I’m on

  • Here’s a list of the Podcasts I’ve been featured on.


  • My official YouTube Channel is one of the best places to follow my work. You can subscribe, like, share, and comment to support me.



  • My official Executive Function Pinterest page.

My Free EF Summit

  • TEFOS: The Executive Function Online Summit is for parents who want to help their kids. Here’s the homepage so you can check out the experts and register to attend free. This is a labor of love I started in 2019.

YouTube FAQ

  1. What happens when I click “subscribe” on Seth’s YouTube? When you go to my channel and click the red “subscribe” button, your YouTube account lists me in your list of subscriptions so you can find me any time. Also, I’ll show up on your YouTube searches more often. It also allows my work help more people, because it tells YouTube that my videos are valuable.
  2. What if I click the YouTube bell? Whenever I post a new video, it alerts you in your YouTube alerts. People like this because they can see my new videos before I announce them in the weekly updates.
  3. Liking and Commenting: How does clicking “LIKE” or commenting on Seth’s YouTube videos help? Again, it tells YouTube that my work is relevant. Since I’m in a small niche, it’s harder for a YouTuber like me to grow, so this definitely helps.

3. About Executive Function

Executive Function refers to the many skills our brains use to get stuff done (everything from homework, chores and studying, to getting ready for school or tackling responsibilities, to playing video games, making art, or telling jokes).

In other words, it’s about how we “execute” complex tasks through to completion.

It’s also how we prioritize the important, but non-preferred things, over the fun things, when it matters for our future goals, well-being, and quality of life.

If a child struggles with starting or finishing tasks, focusing, organizing, managing time, schoolwork, resisting distractions, prioritizing, remembering things, overwhelm, emotions, realistic self-awareness, making good decisions, they’re still developing their Executive Functioning skills, and the right support is critical.

Supporting kids effectively requires compassion, empathy, kindness, and strategies that understand brain development. This can be challenging because there is so much misunderstanding around EF, and because ineffective, top-down approaches are the norm.

Too many kids suffer because of this, and that’s why I work so hard to give people strategies that work. 

Get the starter kit here >

If you’re asking that question, then probably. Here’s a quick list of things to look out for:
  1. Poor Grades: Child’s grades getting worse over time and/or do not reflect ability or “potential.”
  2. Homework Problems: Missing work, late work, incomplete assignments, zeros, forgets to turn in work, loses homework, forgets what the homework is, no name, takes forever to complete work, often poor quality and rushed.
  3. Poor Planning: Don’t use a planners effectively to track schoolwork or other responsibilities. Hates planners, loses them, forgets them, thinks planners don’t work for them.
  4. Unprepared: Often unprepared and late for class or other events. Takes a long time to get going.
  5. Unmotivated: Trouble self-starting, procrastinates, don’t know where or how to start.
  6. Poor Time Management: Unrealistic perception of how much time and energy is needed for homework, studying, chores, responsibilities, getting out of the house in the morning, etc.. Waits until the last minute with deadlines or miss them altogether.
  7. Trouble Focusing: Can’t pay attention, or concentrate on one thing to completion. Gets off task, derailed, easily distracted.
  8. Takes A Long Time: Because of habits that waste time, lack of focus, and slower processing, things can take a very long time.
  9. Resists help. Resists your help and most help.
  10. Not Reflecting Honestly: Unrealistic perception of how they are doing in school. Don’t understand their challenges well enough to know what to do about them, or how to build upon strengths.
  11. Gets Behind: Often behind in school. The vicious cycle gets worse with each semester.
  12. Excuses: They have excellent excuses, often blame other things, know how to wear you down.
  13. Advocacy Problems: Doesn’t self-advocate effectively, doesn’t ask teachers for help early enough or at all.
  14. Overwhelm: Overwhelmed by the demands of school, leading to denial or anxiety about school, and avoid dealing with it effectively.
  15. Good Intentions: They often want to do well and have great intentions but don’t have the EF skills.
  16. Bright: Often remarkably bright and capable, have tremendous talents, gifts, passions and skills in high-interest areas (which often are not appreciated in traditional schools).
  17. May be diagnosed with a learning difference, like ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, processing issues, etc. Many have no diagnosis whatsoever.
  18. Gifted: May be gifted and talented, but still failing.

Get my 13 Executive Functions Assessment on my resources page >

Yes. My site is all about HOPE.

There is so much hope! We can definitely help kids develop the executive functions they need to succeed in school and life.

With the right tools, the brain can and does change.

Hope for Parents: The heart-centered parents who subscribe here are sick of spinning their wheels and feeling helpless. Most have watched their kids struggle year after year, as patterns got worse, and they just want real answers.

Hope for Educators: The heart-centered teachers and professionals who subscribe here are the ones who challenge the status quo. They refuse to sit back and pretend everything is fine. They’re looking for something different, because they’ve seen too many ineffective interventions. They’re sick of cookie-cutter approaches and want better tools to decode complicated students.

All of us want to figure out what’s going on so we can get on with giving kids the support they need.

So yes, there’s plenty of hope! I’ve seen countless students turn the corner, and go on to build a great future for themselves! 

Dive into the free starter kit >

4. About My Offerings

I’m an Executive Function Coach helping struggling students and their families.

See my coaching options >

Or learn How to Find a Coach near you >

Get results. I have courses to help students, parents, teachers, other coaches, and more.

My courses teach how to help students have win after win with my step-by-step, unconventional, yet practical methods.

See Courses here >

This community is the most important place where I coach, connect with, and help people.

Learn more >

Parents & Professionals, ignite your learning with actionable strategies straight from leading experts.

Register FREE for my upcoming summit, or learn phenomenal strategies from my past events.

TEFOS is a game-changer, learn why >

To hire me  for a keynote, to speak, give a presentation, or run a workshop for conferences, summits, parent groups, or teacher trainings, go here >

Press-related inquiries: To interview me for podcasts, articles, books, media, see the Press Kit here >

, click here >

Please note, due to the volume of requests, I’m unable to respond to everyone.

“Sarah absolutely aced this day! I am sitting back in wonderment! She attributes her success to you! Normally, she’d be crying, frustrated, overwhelmed, and angry. Instead, she was quite calm! She took that in stride, I was so impressed with her! I said, “How does it feel?” She said, “Norma!!” Go Sara! I said, “Wow! So much executive skill went into making this day work! What do you think enabled you to be so successful and on top of things?!” She said, “Seth!” Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m so thrilled for her (and for me) to see her starting to take charge and function more age-appropriately in her life.” — Karin A., New Jersey

“The most impressive attribute of Seth is his steadfast dedication. He has never given up on our daughter, even when she has become overwhelmed and wanted to give up. He has taught her to believe in herself. She is now graduating and will walk in the December ceremony. She could not have done it without him.” – Bonnie A

5. About My Free Stuff

Parents & Professionals, ignite your learning with actionable strategies straight from leading experts. TEFOS is a game-changer – The Executive Function Online Summit.

I often hear something like this, “I’ve got a bright student, but things are falling apart and I’m at a loss. If we don’t figure this out, I’m afraid it’ll negatively impact their future. How do I help this complicated child? How do I deal with their resistance? How do I deal with educators who don’t get my kid? And why the heck haven’t I heard of Executive Function before!?”

I wish I could tell you there was a quick fix, but the solutions take take time and effort, and have to do with something called “Executive Function.”

Helping students turn it around requires compassionately and persistently approaching the problem from multiple angles, with an informed, “whole-child” approach. But don’t worry, my entire blog is about how to help, and much of my work is free so everyone can have access to solutions. 

I’ve been an Executive Function specialist and blogging about it, since 2010, and I’ve been working with complicated kids since 1995. And you’re not alone; over 75,000 people in every state in the US, and in over 60 counties worldwide get my blog, because they are searching for better answers too. THERE IS SO MUCH HOPE!

Click here to subscribe for free weekly updates, with my new content, special announcements and free resources.

Free: Search my Resource Vault often for key guides on the topics people always ask me about.

Free: Browse & binge my content, get inspiration, strategies & timely tips, for parents, teachers, students.

My Podcast > coming in 2023

OTHER Podcasts I was featured on >

Here’s a list of the Podcasts I’ve been featured on.


My official YouTube Channel is one of the best places to follow my work. You can subscribe, like, share, and comment to support me.

YouTube FAQ

What happens when I click “subscribe” on Seth’s YouTube? When you go to my channel and click the red “subscribe” button, your YouTube account lists me under your list of subscriptions so you can find me any time. Also, I will show up on your YouTube searches more often. It also allows my work help more people, because it tells YouTube that my videos are valuable.
What if I click the YouTube bell? Whenever I post a new video, it alerts you in your YouTube alerts. People like this because they can see my new videos before I announce them.
Liking and Commenting: How does clicking “LIKE” or commenting on Seth’s YouTube videos help? Again, it tells YouTube that my work is relevant. Since I’m in a small niche, it’s harder for a YouTuber like me to grow, so this definitely helps.

See a clickable list of podcasts I’ve been featured on here >

See my calendar of upcoming virtual & in-person events >​

Or see a list of past events >

Podcasts I’m on

  • Here’s a list of the Podcasts I’ve been featured on.


  • My official YouTube Channel is one of the best places to follow my work. You can subscribe, like, share, and comment to support me.



  • My official Executive Function Pinterest page. I don’t use it much.

My Summit

TEFOS: The Executive Function Online Summit is for parents who want to help their kids. Here’s the homepage so you can check out the experts and pre-register free. This is a labor of love I started in 2019.

Other Summits I’m on:

  • Happily Family with the Hilkeys.
  • Autism Summit 

YouTube FAQ

  1. What happens when I click “subscribe” on Seth’s YouTube? When you go to my channel and click the red “subscribe” button, your YouTube account lists me under your list of subscriptions so you can find me any time. Also, I will show up on your YouTube searches more often. It also allows my work help more people, because it tells YouTube that my videos are valuable.
  2. What if I click the YouTube bell? Whenever I post a new video, it alerts you in your YouTube alerts. People like this because they can see my new videos before I announce them.
  3. Liking and Commenting: How does clicking “LIKE” or commenting on Seth’s YouTube videos help? Again, it tells YouTube that my work is relevant. Since I’m in a small niche, it’s harder for a YouTuber like me to grow, so this definitely helps.

Get Free Guide

Free Executive Function Success Guide

Learn the exact steps to help a struggling student become less overwhelmed and more successful.
(Even for students who resist help.)

You’ll also get my weekly email, with tips, strategies, and inspiration, to support your child or student.