The Momentum Program

Executive Function Coaching with Seth Perler

Connection + Action + Accountability = Results. Momentum is my premium Executive Function group coaching program for students and their parents. I guide you personally through my 16 week EF program in a series of in-depth live events online as well as 1:1 coaching.

Fall enrollment opens June 15, 2023. Orientation Aug 20, 2023.

To get on the waitlist for next session or get special discounts, Click Here > 

  • What is Momentum?
  • How It Works?
  • Is It Right For You?
  • Schedule

What is Momentum?

Action + Connection + Accountability = Results

If last semester didn’t go so well, and your child needs real strategies, I created Momentum for you.

  1. What is Momentum? A 16 week, premium Executive Function group coaching program, live with Seth Perler. I guide you personally through my Core EF program, with group and 1:1 coaching.
  2. Who is it for? Middle & high school students and their parents, together. 
  3. How it helps? Momentum gets phenomenal results, so your child and you have less stress, more success, and save more time for more freedom and fun. It’s a fun, light-hearted, down-to-earth, shame-free, and positive program!


  1. Seth's Coaching: You get me, live, throughout the entire program.
  2. Action: We gain momentum by taking massive action together, so school success becomes easier. Together we build out the right systems, the right way, and learn the skills & strategies that actually work.
  3. Accountability to help you stay on track and follow through. 
  4. Connection & Support: Get connected to an awesome group of like-minded families, as you hear how others are going through the same things. Feel a sense of relief as your child builds EF skills.
  5. Your own private executive function hub: For people in Momentum, there is a hub with everything you need: How to access me, Special Content & Resources, Lessons, Indexed Q&A, Replays, Parent Tools, etc.


You don't have to do Momentum perfectly, but you do have to show up consistently, no matter what. Just do your best, take imperfect action, stack wins, and you'll see big results.

How Momentum Works

Momentum is an effective series of live events, with me, to take action together. It includes:

  • 1:1 Coaching
  • In-Depth Bootcamps
  • Quick Sprints
  • Student Co-Working/Coaching
  • Parent Coaching

Community and accountability make all the difference here, especially for students who often do the bare minimum. Students must have a solid EF structure, we build it together in Bootcamps, early in the semester to get momentum, to encourage, inspire, motivate, bring hope, and clarify what students “should” do to have a great semester. It doesn’t matter when you start your semester or what type of school you’re in. Just start when we start, trust the process, and show up.


We start with a series of live Massive Action Bootcamps to build the right systems. Students and parents attend these together. They are on Sundays, 2-3 hours each, with breaks to take action. We go step-by-step, with accountability, to set you up for a great semester, like never before. The time invested in these Bootcamps will save your child and you so much time and frustration for years to come. Bootcamps are where we get all of the structural pieces in place that a successful students need, once and for all! During Bootcamps, we:

  • ExcavateDeclutter physical and digital stuff that’s in your way.
  • Lay The Foundation: Get the key systems built out, the right way, once and for all.
  • Frame Your Home: Build critical habits and routines.
  • Finishing Touches: Here we learn about all remaining keys to success.


Without maintenance, things fall apart. Now that we've done the Bootcamps to build the right structure, we need to maintain it, or things fall apart! In other words, if we don't maintain, before we know it, we'll be behind in school again with mountains of late work, missing work, incomplete work, etc.. “Sprints“, are quick workshops where we sprint into action to maintain things properly. They are like "touch-ups", and they help keep up the momentum, by maintaining the structures, systems, skills, habits, etc.. Sprints are about 2 hours long, with breaks. Students and parents attend together.

There are 3 types of Sprints:

  1. “The Dip” Sprint – Maintenance for when you get behind mid-semester.
  2. “SNO Day” Sprints – The key Sunday Night Overhaul habit of maintenance.
  3. “Hail Mary” Sprint – Maintenance needed at the end of a semester.

Who is Momentum for?

Momentum Group is not for everyone. It requires commitment, time, and action, but it is manageable. This is for the people who are in it to win it, want to cut through the bs, get real results, and are ready to show up and do the work. Here’s what you need to know to see if it’s for you:
  1. Momentum is not a cheap, easy, quick fix, magic bullet. It takes showing up and doing the work.
  2. This program is based on supporting you to implement my strategies more effectively so you can gain momentum, and thus get more results, and so you can feel a sense of relief about your child’s ability to be happy and successful in life.
  3. Helping a child with Executive Function challenges is difficult. Period. Make no mistake, this program will only work if you take the action. Most people do not follow through, even if they have good intentions. Please only join if you and your child are ready to do the work.
  4. A big problem is with a student’s resistance. This program is designed so I can give encouragement and motivation to the students. Students and parents love it because it actually helps break through resistance.
  5. This is for people who can commit to most of the dates/times. If  you can’t show up to most of the program, please do not register. This is only worth it if you can make it a priority. Of course, there may be schedule conflicts, you don’t have to do it perfectly. But missing sessions should be rare. Calls are recorded so you can see replays at your convenience.
  6. Click HERE to see the Student Buy-in Page. If your child watches the buy-in video and they are not bought in, please do not register because you will not get the results you’re hoping for. If your child isn’t ready, they’re not ready. You and your child do not need to do this program perfectly, but to get results, you both should be willing, able and ready to show up and put in effort.
  7. Finally, if you implement the strategies patiently and persistently, (but not perfectly), you WILL see results; a tremendous positive impact on your child’s life and your relationship with your child.

You get the Self-paced Independent UGYG online program as our foundation: The self-paced UGYG course and bonuses.

Schedule At-A-Glance


  1. Sat Sep 10PHASE 1: The “Excavation” Bootcamp: Declutter, and get rid of stuff that’s in your way.
  2. Wed Sep 14, Parent Office Hours
  3. Sat Sep 17, PHASE 2: “Lay Your Foundation” Bootcamp: Set up your foundation of solid organizational systems and structures.
  4. Wed Sep 21, Student  EF Study Hall with Seth: Office Hours, coaching & connecting
  5. Sat Sep 24PHASE 3: “Frame Your Home” Bootcamp: Build framework of solid Habits & Routines  
  6. Wed Sep 28, Parent Office Hours
  7. Sat Oct 1,  PHASE 4Finishing Touches Bootcamp: Finish by getting the final pieces in place. 
  8. Wed Oct 5, Student  EF Study Hall with Seth: Office Hours, coaching & connecting
  9. Sat Oct 8MAINTENANCE SPRINT 1: The DIP Sprint: When you don’t maintain, things fall apart. How well will we navigate (get back on track) the DIP?
  10. Wed Oct 12, Parent Office Hours
  11. Sat Oct 22MAINTENANCE SPRINT 2: SNO Day Sprint: Go through a thorough SNO, Sunday Night Overhaul/reset maintenance process 
  12. Wed Oct 26, Parent Office Hours
  13. Mon Oct 31, Halloween
  14. Wed Nov 2, Student EF Study Hall with Seth: Office Hours, coaching & connecting
  15. Sat, Nov 5, BONUS SPRINT SNO Day
  16. Sun, Nov 6, Daylight Savings, Fall backward
  17. Wed Nov 9, Parent Office Hours
  18. Fri Nov 11, Veteran’s Day
  19. Wed Nov 16, Student EF Study Hall with Seth: Office Hours, coaching & connecting
  20. Thurs Nov 24, Thanksgiving Day
  21. Wed Nov 30, Parent Office Hours
  22. Sat Dec 3MAINTENANCE SPRINT 3: Hail Mary Sprint: make sure things don’t fall apart at the end of the semester, so your child can end on a high note 
  23. Wed Dec 7, Student EF Study Hall with Seth: Office Hours, coaching & connecting
  24. Sat Dec 10BONUS SPRINT SNO Day
  25. Wed Dec 14, Parent Office Hours
  26. Sat Dec 17BONUS SPRINT CELEBRATION! And Prep for NEXT semester! Next steps, what to do from here on out.


Student Office Hours

Student Office Hours: EF Coaching & Co-Working: Office hours with Seth are on some Wednesdays, 90 minutes, 4:00-5:30pm PST, 7:00-8:30pm EST. Students join without parents to get personalized guidance from me, and to get to know the other students. We can connect in a fun, relaxed, safe, way where we can hang out, work on stuff, listen, or join in the discussions and share your thoughts, wins, frustrations, ask questions, feel connected and not alone. Get encouragement, motivation and guidance. I get to know your child and learn how to push them forward.
See SCHEDULE or TimeZone Converter

Parent Office Hours

Parent Office Hours & Coaching: These are on some Wednesdays, 90 minutes, 4:00-5:30pm PST, 7:00-8:30pm EST. Pick my brain, ask about anything, hear me coach people, get insights you can apply to your situation, and to connect with others. I make them powerful for everyone there. They are recorded, and the replays are broken into separate recordings to make it easy to reference different topics.


Frequently Asked Questions About The Momentum Program

Without Momentum, people stay stuck, and intensive group coaching is one of the best ways to get results.

I built this program to give you plenty of in-depth opportunities to work more directly with me, to give you more guidance and accountability, so you can follow through more, and get more out of my approach.

Parents like that I am the one giving their kids guidance rather than them, and that I reinforce the messages they have been trying to teach.

I help hold students more accountable, motivate them, encourage them, inspire them to gain Momentum, because without momentum, people stay stuck. This is about getting unstuck, and about getting results.

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  • $497 a month, or
  • $4997 a year (Save $967)
  • Save an additional $100 with the Enrollment Call (you can get on the waitlist here to be alerted when I do these)

Yes. Replays of our sessions and bootcamps are available to you any time in your special Momentum login area. And these are broken into short segments that are organized and EASY to navigate.

My Zoom.

I send plenty of short and sweet reminders before all meetings.

Yes. These are for the group only. The only people that will ever see/hear you are the people in this private group.

People feel remarkably safe and comfortable sharing openly and honestly here, and love this amazing community.

After you enroll, you have access right away.

I’ll apply your investment towards Momentum.

I host short & sweet 30 minute “Enrollment Calls” on zoom, to see if Momentum Group is right for you and your child, and that you’re a good fit for the program.


Thurs, Aug 11 2022,

Wed, Aug 17,

Sun Aug 28, 12 or

Sat, Sep 3.

Click here to register for a free enrollment call > 


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(Even for students who resist help.)

You’ll also get my weekly email, with tips, strategies, and inspiration, to support your child or student.