About Seth, A More Personal Page

Things that matter to me.

The Most Important Thing: My #1 priority in life is spending quality time with friends and family. Relationships are the most important thing. I have a younger brother who I’m close to, and friends from all walks of life.

#2: Next, I prioritize giving back through my life’s work; serving kids and families.

Sustainability: Doing my part to protect the environment and live sustainably is critical. I’m absolutely horrified at the environmental messes we’re leaving for our children, and the abhorrent apathy of so many adults. We must do better. You and I are the solution. https://earth911.com/ 

Charity: I give to charity:water and Acumen, and support other causes I believe in.

Home: I live in Hawaii currently, and have lived in OH (born and raised) > IN > Tohatchi, NM > Flagstaff, AZ > Boulder, CO for most of my adult life > Santa Monica, CA.

Guitars: I like guitars. A lot. Acoustic or electric, I don’t care. I play every day. You can sometimes find me playing the blues in local clubs and coffee shops.

I’m a Dog Person: Actually, I like all animals and life forms, but dogs are some of my favorites! I don’t have one right now, but I am on the lookout. I had my dog Kiva for 18 years, she was a gift.

Science: I’m a big science and nature nerd, and have had aquariums, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, etc.

Brain Science: I’m interested in the brain, learning, the nervous system and how people can live well.

Fitness: Staying active is essential for my physical and mental health. I prefer outdoor stuff: snorkeling, hiking, swimming, kayaking, mountain biking, running, yoga, rock climbing, skiing. Just get me in nature, and I’m happy.

Meditation: I sit in stillness or meditation daily because it works. It’s been one of the most valuable things in my life. I’ve done a lot of classes and retreats over the years, but a 10-day silent Vipassana was the most transformative.

Minimalism: I like to keep my life simple and decluttered, and value experiences over stuff. Life feels easier and richer because of it.

Coaching: Coaching is my passion, because I get to see people change their lives! I coach students, families, teachers, and entrepreneurs. My underlying goal is to help outside-the-box students self-actualize, and craft remarkable lives.

“The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don’t know how to be submissive, and so on — because they’re dysfunctional to the institutions.” -Noam Chomsky

Podcast: I’m putting together a podcast to take the conversation about education to a new level, to shake things up and disrupt education for good. I’m so sick of seeing kids struggle in a dysfunctional system that I can’t stand it anymore, so this podcast is raw and uncensored.

Education Disrupt Movement: Families hire me when they are in crisis – they are concerned about their child. Unfortunately, I see these struggles fueled by a system that is failing many kids. The irony is that these kids look like the failures when, in fact, it is the system that fails to recognize their strengths and needs.

Make no mistake, the problems we’re facing with schools are rampant and often go under the radar. You wouldn’t believe some of the policies and attitudes of some of the schools I run into. Sometimes they can’t see the forest for the trees, and it ends up hurting kids.

Education Disrupt is a movement I am starting. You’ll see more from me as I develop it. There are many people that call themselves “reformers” but who are part of the problem. They are driven by profits and big business. They mislead the public and tell you what you want to hear.

However, there are countless good people who fight for kids. I’m a fan of people like John Taylor GattoDiane Ravitch, and Alfie Kohn. They openly address issues regarding systemic dysfunction, testing, grades, etc..

* This page was inspired by Derek Sivers.

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