Free Resource Hub

Click “Resources” in my menu whenever you need my Free Executive Function tips. I organized this page so you can easily browse for the most common things people ask me about.

Seth Perler Headshot

What do you need today? Browse my EF resources...

First, you can always get Free stuff through my weekly email updates, usually on Sunday’s.

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You’ll get my new content, special announcements, inspiration, strategies & timely tips, for parents, teachers, students.

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The Ultimate Executive Function Guide: Learn the exact steps to take to help your struggling student. Learn about the brain, and the role of Executive Function.​

BLOGROLL: Browse through my Blogs, Vlogs and Podcasts on the Blogroll here >

CATEGORIES: To easily browse my actual categories or topics, go here >

Whenever possible I have a combination of articles, audio, and video, so you can choose the format you need. 

Subscribe free here >

My Vlogs are videos about Executive Function and education.

You can search through them on my site here >

Or search by category here >

Or on my YouTube Channel here >

I’ve been making videos for years, and they help you find real answers.

I sometimes add transcripts, articles, pdfs, audio, etc. 

My podcast is coming in 2023.

QUICK BROWSE: Click here to browse the quickest list.

PODCAST HOME: Go to explore my podcast home, here on my website.

CATEGORIES: This is where you’ll be able to quickly scan a list of topics. 


Here’s a list of all podcasts I’ve been featured on.

  1. Topic/title of episode as link to the post on my site, name of podcast and/or podcaster in black text

Here’s my calendar >

It’s full of timely announcements!

Get Free online and in-person Events & Workshops.  

Subscribe here to stay informed about cool events through my weekly updates.

Register FREE here for TEFOS, The Executive Funciotn Online Summit. 

This is where I give you a free weekend of Experts teaching you all about how to support your child’s Executive Function.

See the summit home here >

Parents & Professionals, ignite your learning with actionable strategies straight from leading experts. TEFOS is a game-changer.​

It sounds like this, “I’ve got a bright student, but things are falling apart and I’m at a loss. If we don’t figure this out, I’m afraid it’ll negatively impact their future. How do I help this complicated child? How do I deal with their resistance? How do I deal with educators who don’t get my kid? And why the heck haven’t I heard of Executive Function before!?”

I wish I could tell you there was a quick fix, but the solutions take take time and effort, and have to do with something called “Executive Function.”

Helping students turn it around requires compassionately and persistently approaching the problem from multiple angles, an informed whole-child approach. But don’t worry, my entire blog is about how to help, and much of my work is free so everyone can have access to solutions. 

I’ve been an Executive Function specialist and blogging about it, since 2010, and I’ve been working with complicated kids since 1995. And you’re not alone; over 75,000 people in every state in the US, and in over 60 counties worldwide get my blog, because they are searching for better answers too. THERE IS SO MUCH HOPE!

Most of my content is for parents.

90% of my YouTube Videos are for parents EXCEPT the playlists for Teachers, Kids, etc..

Free Mini Course for Teachers

Free Teacher Playlist: here’s a YouTube Playlist of videos I made for Teachers.

Note: While I made these for teachers, parents often watch these because they learn a lot form them. Enjoy, and please share my work around.

Free Teacher Course: Here’s a minicourse I made to help teachers create an Executive Function Friendly Classroom

See my Vlogs on my site that are made for Students here >

See a playlist of videos I made especially for Students on my YouTube Channel here >

NOTE: Parents and Teachers, please watch any my videos FIRST, before sharing them with your student, to make sure they are what you’re looking for.

I have a lot of therapists who follow me, because my content often dovetails well with their work.

Here is where I’ll add all of the content I made that is most relevant to therapists. 

If you’re looking for a coach, check out these:

Here are 10 of the most popular things on my site, to get you going fast.

Subscribe here if you want a special kit I made. Each day it’ll send you one of my most important resources.

Parents & Teachers learn if a child is 2e, or Twice Exceptional, and how to help.

Learn about Joseph Renzulli and why his work is so important if you want to better understand your child here >

See my official YouTube channel, packed with helpful videos.

Parent Playlist

Student Playlist

Teacher pPlylist






Coaching – About my practice for struggling students (online or in-person). 

See coaching options.

Learn how to find a coach.

Here are vids about meds

Get bigger results. Help students have win after win with my step-by-step, unconventional, yet practical methods. See coaching options, learn how to find a coach.

an excellent overview of EF, includes article, video and support pdf
Learn more >

Free Starter Resources, start here

FREE: Get The Ultimate Executive Function Guide

Learn the basics about Executive Function, in language everyone can understand. Learn proven strategies to get you going fast with helping a struggling student.

Get Free Guide

Free Executive Function Success Guide

Learn the exact steps to help a struggling student become less overwhelmed and more successful.
(Even for students who resist help.)

You’ll also get my weekly email, with tips, strategies, and inspiration, to support your child or student.