Work With Seth

My Membership Community, Coaching, and Courses are designed to get results for students, parents, or professionals.

How do you want to work with me?

Coaching. Community. Courses. Workshops. Keynotes.

Learn unconventional strategies that actually get results, so you can effectively support a student, instead of helplessly watching them drown in school. Let’s help neurodivergent students with “Executive Function” challenges navigate a baffling educational landscape, so they can build a bright future. 

1. Take A Course

Learn my Executive Function coaching methods, step-by-step, for students, parents, or professionals.​

2. Get Coaching

Get big results with coaching and support from me, and learn from our phenomenal community of compassionate families & educators.

3. Learn From The Experts

Get exceptional strategies & game-changing insights to help your child, at TEFOS, The Executive Function Online Summit.

Who is Seth?

I’m Seth Perler, former teacher turned Executive Function Expert Nerd. I help complicated kids learn how awesome they are, and create breakthroughs to help change their trajectory … for good.

I teach parents and educators how to use my innovative, non-traditional approaches to help kids boost their Executive Function skills.

And I get it firsthand because I’ve been there (see my story), and have helped thousands of parents and teachers learn what works, despite all the outdated educational fluff floating around.

I taught for 12 years, have a Master’s of Gifted Education, and since 2010, have worn a lot of hats in the Executive Function, ADHD, 2e, and Neurodiversity worlds:

  • Speaker: Educator. Consultant. Advocate. Education Rabble-Rouser.
  • EF Coach & Course Creator: For Students, Parents, and Professionals.
  • Content Creator: Here’s my YouTube, and I’m on a bunch of podcasts.
  • Summit: I run, featuring the best experts around!

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Learn the exact steps to help a struggling student become less overwhelmed and more successful.
(Even for students who resist help.)

You’ll also get my weekly email, with tips, strategies, and inspiration, to support your child or student.